Why choose Phoenix?

Why choose Phoenix?

Variety of services

Via a solid ground of experience and a rich variety of products in the insurance field, we will be your reliable partner, guaranteeing quality, flexibility and professionalism in insurance activity.

Attention to detail

With regard to every detail, we strive to turn our experience and capabilities into perspective and benefit for our clients.

Transparency and fairness

We know the basis for trust in business is correct and transparent relationships.

Flexibility and adaptability

We consider the specifics of each task and adapt our activities to the requirements of our customers.


Имуществени застраховки

Описаният в полицата недвижим имот, намиращ се на територията на Република България.


Туристически застраховки

Предмет на застраховката са товарите по време на превоз и свързаните с тях материални интереси по време на превоза, независимо от вида на транспорта, за загуба и/или повреда.


Лични застраховки

Застрахователят поема определени в застрахователната полица рискове срещу събития, свързани с живота, здравето и телесната цялост на лица на възраст от 1 до 65 годишна възраст.


Автомобилни застраховки

Обект на застраховката са всички видове сухопътни моторни превозни средства (МПС) (без релсови превозни средства) със собствен двигател и техните прикачени устройства с български регистрационни номера.


Quick inquiry

Phoenix insBroker

    You ask, we answer

    We rely exclusively on the personal approach, because our long-term practice shows that every citizen has individual requirements when choosing insurance.

    Yes, MTL and Motor hull insurance allow payments by installments.

    We monitor your insurance policies and promptly will notify you of forthcoming installments, expiring contracts and need to renew them.

    We provide the most advantageous offers to you in written form. You will receive them in the way you prefer – in person at our office or to your e-mail, as any type of insurance also can be concluded over the phone and you will receive the documents by courier.

    We will be with you from the signing of the insurance policy until its expiration
    years experience
    satisfied customers